What’s New
at Bridges Homeward

Sarah Medrano-Palmer on Magic 106.7’s Exception Women with Kendra Petrone and Sue Tabb
Sue & Kendra interview Sarah

Donor Highlight: Peter Sturges
We were very excited to host Peter Sturges long-time supporter of our Developmental Disabilities Programs.

Donor Highlight: Steve and Mary Ellen Melaragni
Steve and Mary Ellen have been long time supporters of Bridges Homeward, going above and beyond to partner with our Young Adult Supported Living Program…

Shane and Howard’s Adoption Story
Congratulations to Howard and Shane who will be finalizing Shane’s adoption on National Adoption Day in 2024!

Chris Barber and Maura Warner Join Bridges Homeward Board of Directors
Welcome, Chris and Maura!

Changes and challenges in child welfare practice
Before she was the Director of the Office of the Child Advocate for Massachusetts, Maria Mossaides served as Executive Director of our very agency from 2008 to 2015. For our 150th anniversary, we are honored to have her share her reflections on some of the biggest shifts in child welfare practice throughout her career.

Edward Finds Stability in Fatherhood
When Edward moved into our Independent Living progam at age 19, he had two goals: to be a good father for his daughter, and to afford living on his own. Was he able to meet those goals?

Adopt or Foster with Bridges Homeward This Fall!
Are you ready to offer a safe, nurturing, loving home to a youth in foster care? Then you should apply to join our upcoming Massachusetts Approach to Partnerships in Parenting (MAPP) training series, starting this September! MAPP training is a required training course for all adoptive and foster parents.

Lindsay reconnects with her family
Due to the trauma she has lived through, Independent Living resident Lindsay’s ability to trust adults in her life has ebbed and flowed in the time that we’ve known her. Read about the progress she’s made in her three years in our Independent Living program.
A Focus on Foster Parents
In a given month, we receive 150 referrals from the Department of Children and Families for children who need foster care placement. Of the over 1000 referrals we received last year, we were able to place 9 youth. You can make a difference for these youth by becoming a foster parent with Bridges Homeward.

Join the Bridges Homeward Team for the 2024 Cambridge Half Marathon + 5K on Sunday, November 3!
We're excited to be a charity partner for the upcoming Cambridge Half Marathon on November 3. Signing up to run with Bridges Homeward is easy, so join our team today!

Reunifying Kyle with His Mother
June is National Reunification Month. Reunifying youth in foster care with their biological parents is an essential part of our work. Reunification sounds amazing, but what does it look like? The story of Kyle reunifying with his mom exemplifies some of the complications we see many families experience on their way to permanency.

Building Bridges, Building Families
Helping foster and adoptive parents to build their families is a huge honor for our agency. And one of the areas we work with foster and adoptive parents the most on is preparing them for caring for a child from a different racial or ethnic background.

Our Impact on Foster and Adoptive Families
Our Family Services program works with anyone who wants to become a foster or adoptive parent, from biological family members of children in foster care to folks with no personal connection to the child welfare system who just want to support youth. Our approach is efficient, inclusive, and totally supportive of our parents’ needs!