Permanency Success Stories
Thanks to [Bridges Homeward], I have achieved so much. Thanks to this agency I learned a lot, and it’s thanks to this agency that I am where I am.
— Yazmin, Bridges Homeward Youth
If somebody had asked me, would you take a medically challenged child? I would have said, I’m single, there’s no way, I don’t have the time. But that’s exactly what I got, and it turned out to be the best thing ever!
— Valerie, Bridges Homeward Adoptive Parent
It's really nice that the girls get to show [their birth mother] their awards and the things they've done in school. She gets to cheer them on and be proud of them for these things they've accomplished when she knows that that's the life that she wanted for them.
— Jemia, Bridges Homeward Adoptive Parent
As Robbie progressed, he shared his goals with me: he wants to finish school and get his diploma. He wants to become a truck driver and he hopes to someday live on his own. But most of all, he tells me, he wants to be happy.
— Heather, Bridges Homeward Staff
My advice is, get all the help you can get, because [parenting] is hard. Never get to the point that you feel like you’re not able to do this. It’s hard, but you need to remind yourself that it takes time, and after a while you’ll get the hang of it and everything will be okay.
— Emmie, Bridges Homeward Parent
It's been a very challenging experience as a foster parent, but the same way they were growing, we grew with them.
— Wanda, Bridges Homeward Adoptive Parent