Together, anything is possible.
The Family Support and Stabilization program
Good news. We know how to foster environments where families can thrive.
Our Family Support and Stabilization program:
Strengthens family relationships
Builds community support around families
Helps parents and youth build life skills
Prevents out-of-home placement
Supports reunification from foster care
Often, the families we work with are overwhelmed financially, emotionally and socially. Our Family Support Specialists work with parents to help them navigate these challenges and create a more stable family environment.
We bridge cultural and communication gaps.
Here, we advocate on our families’ behalf and work with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) to find a positive way forward for the entire family. If the children are already in foster care, we will teach the parenting and emotional skills necessary for reunification as well. By connecting families with the community resources and specialized support groups they need, we help them build a safe, stable home life.
Family Stories

Before I started Parenting Journey, I was hopeless and impatient. I just wanted my daughter back. The staff who ran the Parenting Journey workshop was so compassionate. They really wanted to help. I learned how to communicate with her and be a better mom. Today I have full custody of my daughter!
Bridges Homeward Parent
We embrace our cultural differences.
Bridges Homeward supports and assists families of any racial, ethnic or religious background. For families who speak English as a second language, we do our best to match them with a specialist who speaks their language. It’s the reason so many immigrants and first-generation Americans trust us: here, we go the extra mile to bridge communication gaps they may have with other providers and strengthen the connection between our case managers and the families they serve.
Our case managers speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Haitian Creole.
We have experience working with refugee and immigrant populations.
We support clients with developmental disabilities and mental illness.
We advise on teen health and safety planning.
We practice trauma-informed care.
Our case managers are experts in:
affordable housing resources
in-home crisis response
access to educational resources and IEPs
reunification from out-of-home placement
Healthy Families Massachusetts
Becoming a parent for the first time is a life-changing experience at any age. Healthy Families can help.
All moms and dads experience challenges raising young children and can benefit from help and guidance throughout the process. We know that you are up for the challenge.
Bridges Homeward coaches and supports moms and dads age 23 and younger in Chelsea, East Boston, Revere, Winthrop, and Charlestown as they navigate the ups and downs of parenting.
A home visitor from the program will get to know you and your baby in your home. They will help you build parenting skills and answer your questions.
They can also help you set and achieve personal goals like staying in school or finding the right job.
How the program works:
• Free and voluntary home visits with an experienced home visitor – typically, visits happen more frequently during your baby’s first months
• Child development information – what to expect as a new parent
• Education and career support
• Referrals to helpful services in your community, like day care, health insurance, job placement agencies, continuing education, WIC, and more
• Connections with other young parents
• Family-focused social events and outings
You get to decide when and where you’d like to meet. You can start home visits during your pregnancy and continue them up to your child’s third birthday.
To sign up for this program, please complete an inquiry form:
Healthy Families Inquiry Form
Healthy Families Formulario de Solicitud
To refer someone for this program, please complete a referral form:
Healthy Families Referral Form
Healthy Families Formulario de Referencia
Healthy Families Massachusetts is a statewide program of the Children’s Trust.
The Many Services We Offer
Our Teams collaborate with DCF to support biological and foster families to prevent out-of-home placement and support the families’ reunification. We meet with families twice weekly for as long as necessary.
Services can include:
• Strengthening family relationships
• Providing support for parents/caretakers to improve safety
• Preparing for reunification
• Support for youth around improving relationships
• Parent training assistance
• Assistance in navigating other public systems such as the courts, schools, immigration and mental health services
• Support around empowerment and self-advocacy
• Connections and referrals to long-term services or building natural supports
We provide a supportive and nurturing space for parents and their children to engage in supervised family time as they get ready to reunify. Our Family Time specialists collaborate with biological families, foster families and DCF to ensure a smooth transition to reunification.
Family Time Services also include:
• Hands-on parent coaching and assessment
• Family time in a comfortable and safe environment
• Child transportation
If you submitted a referral or inquiry between March 1 and April 20, please resubmit as we were experiencing technical difficulties and may not have received it.
The Young Parents Support Program supports pregnant and parenting mothers and fathers under 23 years old who currently live in the City of Boston. We work one-on-one with young parents in their homes and other supportive settings to connect them with the best resources for them. We help young parents not only manage their day-to-day lives more easily but set and work towards long-term goals for their families and themselves. Services are free and confidential. The length of time we work with families varies based on individual need, but lasts on average 9 months.All services are free and confidential:
• Improve Parenting Skills
• Opportunities to meet other young parents
• Housing assistance
• Domestic Violence resources
• Access to food, clothing, school supplies, furniture and other basic needs
• Support in accessing government support (WIC, DTA, Day Care vouchers etc.)
• Vocational skills and educational resources
• Independent Living Skills
To sign up for this program, please complete an inquiry form:Young Parents Support Program Inquiry Form
Programa de Apoyo Para Padres Jóvenes Formulario de Solicitud
To refer someone for this program, please complete a referral form:
The Young Adult Supportive Living Program provides apartments to 18 to 22 year olds who are transitioning out of the foster care system and need support before they are totally ready to go out on their own. We provide apartments to youths in DCF’s care to help them better learn to care for themselves. The program provides financial and emotional support and helps residents work on their own permanency goals so they have long-term support after they leave our apartments.
• Residents live in a community-based apartment.
• Apartments are available to youths in DCF’s care.
• Weekly case management supports continuing education efforts and assists with financial resources.
• Residents can connect with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance benefits, United Way funding, and financial assistance utility costs.
• The program supports long-term financial stability.
• Residents receive assistance earning a driver’s license, saving to purchase a car, completing college or post-secondary education, saving for their own apartment, and many other goals.
• A weekly stipend is awarded and dispensed after completion of the program. This money can be used to assist with the various costs of living without State support and leads to continued stability.
Caseworkers meet with youth weekly to work on increasing their independence and prepare them for adulthood. Areas of focus include:
• Daily living skills
• Academic performance
• Social skills
• Family relationship-building
• Independent living skills
• Vocational skills
Finding Family Everywhere
When we first met Maya, she was working toward reunifying with her son, who was in foster care at the time. We immediately saw that the family needed the opportunity to expand their knowledge of parenting and child development. Maya used our recommended practices and started incorporating self-care and healthy routines for her and her son into her daily life. After four months, Maya had improved her parenting skills and was able to reunite with her son. Today, they live a happy, healthy life together!