Our Family of Services
Bridges Homeward is a small organization that does big things. Our Family of Services is comprised of five different programs, all focused on helping families across Massachusetts build permanency. Our services are tailored to the unique needs and situations of everyone we serve. We operate in collaboration with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and the Department of Developmental Services (DDS).
Our Adoption program works to ensure that all children and teens have the opportunity to grow up in a healthy, committed family that provides unconditional love, a sense of security, and a community for the child to call their own. Here, we provide adoption planning and case management services for children and teens in the custody of the Department of Children and Families. We typically work with youth who face the greatest challenges to adoption: older children, sibling groups and children with medical, developmental, emotional, or behavioral special needs.
Developmental Disabilities Services
In our Developmental Disabilities program, we provide training, advocacy, and social opportunities to individuals with disabilities and their families. We focus on helping persons with disabilities overcome the social barriers that may exist for them while more fully integrating them into the community. The program offers a wide range of tools, resources and individualized support services. We work closely with DDS to ensure that the individuals we serve and their families are taking full advantage of all the resources available to them.
Family Services
Our Family Services program recruits, trains, and supports adoptive and foster parents, making sure their entire journey goes as smoothly as possible. There’s no better way for prospective parents to prepare for adoption and foster care. We provide parents with all the tools and resources necessary to create a safe, loving and therapeutic home. Prospective parents can take advantage of a range of services including training, matching youth with the right families, and supporting families once we’ve found their match.
Family Support and Stabilization
Family Support & Stabilization strengthens families and young adults transitioning out of foster care. We ensure that these families and youth have the skills, resources, and family connections they need to be successful. We help youth and parents have the tools they need to navigate challenges and create stable family environments. By helping them build permanency, we ensure they are supported through good times and bad.
Intensive Foster Care
Our Intensive Foster Care program supports children and teens in foster care who were born exposed to substances, experienced abuse or neglect, or have complex medical or developmental needs. Working with DCF, Bridges Homeward finds transitional, therapeutic foster care for these children – homes where they can live and thrive. Our team of foster parents and social workers provide specialized, round-the-clock care, support, and guidance. Through this collaboration, we support the youth’s successful transition into a permanent placement: reunification with their birth family, guardianship, kinship care, or adoption.