Fall Fun with Developmental Disabilities!

Movie Afternoons

Our Developmental Disabilities program is hosting quite a fall social calendar for the individuals and families we serve! On Halloween, we hosted a Movie Afternoon where we played Hocus Pocus and dressed up in costumes. Two of our staff had never seen Hocus Pocus before, but thankfully nobody spoiled the movie for them. Everyone had a great time spending time together, and agreed that Movie Afternoons should become a regular occurrence!

Cooking Together

In December, we’ll host a Fall Menu Cooking Class with our chefs, Assistant Program Director Sheila and Case Manager Danielle. Annual cooking classes are a big hit with our families! Everyone always makes something delicious together, and many folks learn new tricks for the kitchen. We are so glad we can host cooking classes in person again!

A New Space

We’re hosting many of our events, including our cooking class, in our freshly updated Family Support Center! We recently repainted the space and added a snazzy new banner to rep our new name and logo.


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