To the Moon and Back Shares Resources with CFCS Community

This Monday, we were thrilled to have Theresa Harmon, MSW, LICSW, founder of To The Moon and Back, present on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome for foster parents and staff from our Intensive Foster Care and Residential programs. Theresa shared her expertise on caring and advocating for infants and youth who were born substance-exposed. The information and resources she provided will allow our foster parents and staff to provide the youth in our programs the care, understanding and advocacy they need to be successful beyond infancy into adulthood.

To the Moon and Back is dedicated to supporting children born substance-exposed and their caregivers, which includes foster and adoptive parents, relatives and non-relatives. To the Moon and Back provides bi-monthly support groups for caregivers of children born exposed to substances, including drugs or alcohol. They also disseminate information, resources and advocacy to caregiving organizations like CFCS.

To the Moon and Back is an invaluable local resource, and we’re so happy to work with them. We look forward to future collaborations with this great organization!


The Shining Stars of September


Thanks to United Way Mass Bay for the Build-a-Bear Connection!