This August, Support Bridges Homeward When You Shop at the Somerville Star Market on McGrath Highway!

We are so excited to announce that Bridges Homeward has been selected to be a part of the Star Market GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS Reusable Bag Program! This program is designed to make it easy for customers to contribute to their local community while supporting the environment.  

For the month of August 2022, every time you purchase a reusable GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS Bag at the Star Market at 14 McGrath Highway in Somerville, MA, $1 will be donated to us! The GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS bags are kept on a display by the check-out lanes, and they look like the bag in the photo.  

When you purchase a GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS bag for Bridges homeward, you can get your back to school shopping done while supporting youth and families in your community!  


Want to Foster or Adopt? Join Our Massachusetts Approaches to Partnership in Parenting Training Beginning October 2022!


A Season of Fun with Our Developmental Disabilities Program