Supporting Dads, with Family Support & Stabilization

For Father’s Day this year, we wanted to shine a special light on how our Family Support & Stabilization Program supports dads! Our FSS program offers services that support families of all constellations. We help families to strengthen their relationships with each other and build their own support networks in order to promote a safe, stable home life. We focus on preventing out-of-home placements for children where they can be prevented, and we support families in the reunification process. 

We believe all parents deserve the opportunity to strengthen their skills and support networks. So today, we have a quick run-down of just some of the ways our FSS program supports dads!   

FSS offers one-on-one support to dads, focusing on parental resilience, social-emotional skills, knowledge of parenting and child development, social connections, and concrete support in times of need. FSS works with fathers to better their relationships with their children, families, friends and/or partners. We aim to promote permanency not just for their children, but for the dads as well, because everyone needs relationships they can count on no matter what.  

FSS always tailors their services to each family to meet their unique needs and work toward their individual goals. Through intake and assessments, as we get to know each family, FSS develops strategies and goals specific to the family’s needs.   

FSS serves all parents equally! And just like we do with moms, we encourage dads to learn about and engage with resources that will support them and help them better support their children. Fathers play an incredibly important role in their children's lives, and serve as positive role models. We aim to help dads strengthen their parenting skills so they can provide their children the protection and guidance they need. 

We’re proud to partner with Parenting Journey to offer special classes to support dads (and all parents) who could use a little help. Click here to learn more about our Parenting Journey classes.  

Finally, if FSS could offer one piece of advice to share with every dad, it would be:  

Take an active role in your kids’ lives and spend time with them, because you matter. Your role is important, despite what society portrays. Dads are caregivers too, and it’s important for you to express your loving, nurturing side. 


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