CFCS Needs You!
Would you like to contribute to Cambridge Family & Children’s Service’s mission of providing high-quality advocacy and support to children and families? We have a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for you in each of our departments! Below are some opportunities we have this month. If you see something that you’d like to volunteer for, send an email to and be sure to mention where you’d like to help!
-Volunteers are needed to do some spring cleaning/yardwork (gardening, weeding, re-mulching, cleaning patio furniture, etc.)
-Volunteers needed to do spring cleaning in the inside of the house, including reorganizing closets and painting rooms
-The TLC kitchen will be renovated soon, so while our kitchen is out of commission, we would greatly appreciate precooked meals to be donated. Whether they are frozen or fresh, homemade or from a restaurant, the residents at TLC would be very grateful for the meals!
-A volunteer is needed to move/relocate several years’ worth of closed adoption records, as our file cabinets are chock-full and we can’t fit many more records in them. This time-limited project would be a great help to the Adoption department.
-Volunteers are needed to provide childcare during trainings for parents and foster families, our “Parents’ Night Out” night, and summer activities.
-Volunteers to support school transition periods, such as providing afterschool care at the CFCS office and transporting kids to/from school, are needed.
Family Support & Stabilization
-Volunteers are needed to help with our monthly Young Parenting Support parents’ night. This event is held in Dorchester.
-We’re seeking people to present on topics relevant to life skills, parenting, building vocational skills, etc. for workshops for our clients.
-Support is needed for our Mother’s Day night in May.
-Tutors are needed to help the boys with various school and vocational subjects.
-Volunteers are needed to help with housework, including painting rooms, doing yardwork, and tending the garden.