Celebrating Permanency at CFCS

During our April All-Staff meeting, we celebrated the many positive outcomes we have generated in our work since we began our Permanency Priority in 2017. We reviewed how our permanency practices have changed throughout the years, and discussed our Theory of Change, a guiding philosophy that CFCS has developed through consistent collaboration among our departments: “If we support all individuals to develop and nurture safe, permanent family relationships, they will maximize individual growth and community participation.”

We heard from representatives of each department who shared their stories of how working towards permanency with each client has changed and improved their work. And we finished with putting a puzzle together that told the story of permanency at CFCS through the perspective of each department. It was a good time to reflect on how permanency works at CFCS and how we all fit together to make that work successful.

CFCS is very proud of the hard work our employees do every day, and we were happy we could take this time together to celebrate the commitment and vision we all share. We look forward to continuing to work together to make our practices stronger, our collaborations deeper and our services even better!


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The Massachusetts Permanency Practice Alliance at the State House