CFCS to Host Virtual Parenting Journey Classes

Our Family Support & Stabilization program is proud to continue our partnership with the Children’s Trust and offer Parenting Journey classes to parents in the Greater Boston community several times throughout the year, giving parents an opportunity to develop themselves as nurtured and nurturing people. Unfortunately, the pandemic interrupted plans we’d had to host a Parenting Journey class for spring 2020, but it couldn’t stop us forever. We’re very pleased to announce that starting July 9, we’ll be teaching an entirely virtual Parenting Journey class for 12 parents! 

Parenting Journey is always a 12-week program, and this particular course will be no different. Every Thursday morning, starting July 9 and ending on September 24, our Parenting Journey class will meet over Zoom. The course will be taught by Maggie Smith, our Family Support & Stabilization Coordinator, and Shawn Proctor, one of our Family Support Specialists. Jessica Martinez, another Family Support Specialist, will provide one-on-one technical and emotional support for parents during each session. 

 At the beginning of each sessions, the instructors will present a positive discipline technique to the parents that they can use with their child(ren). The biggest difference between this virtual Parenting Journey course and an in-person course is that the parents won’t be able to share a meal together each week. However, we’ll encourage parents to snack if they would like during the sessions. 

We’re providing parents with both printed and electronic versions of all the documents they’ll need for the course, along with activity sets to keep their children busy while they’re in class with us. We are also providing parents with adult coloring pages as part of their self-care. Parents will complete the same coloring pages and share them over Zoom, to promote a sense of togetherness and encourage creativity.  

We consider Parenting Journey to be one of the staples of our FSS program. With Parenting Journey, we promote attitudes that enhance good parenting. Plus it’s a really great way for parents in the area to connect with us and each other. We’re so glad we can start another Parenting Journey course this summer! After it’s finished, we’ll publish an update on how it went and what the parents thought of the virtual format. 


CFCS and the Department of Developmental Services Pull Through Quarantine to Protect Individuals with Disabilities and Their Families


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